Book Review - Expert Book Reviews



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Book Review
Expert Book Reviews

WARNING: This is not the actual book "Doctor Sleep" by Stephen King. Do not buy this "Review" if you are looking for a full copy of this great book. Check out this comprehensive review of "Doctor Sleep" for a complete look at the plot, the characters, and of course, King's writing style. "Doctor Sleep" explores themes of innocence and redemption as Dan struggles to come to terms with the horrors of his past. This review includes critical opinions of the novel and breaks down the ways in which Stephen King excels, as well as where he falls short. "Doctor Sleep" offers compelling, sympathetic characters and a satisfactory conclusion to the story begun in "The Shining," though some may feel that the sequel does not live up to the original work. Fans of Stephen King's previous works, including "The Shining," "Salem's Lot," and the "Dark Tower" series will enjoy the Easter eggs hidden in the pages of "Doctor Sleep." Stephen King's sequel to "The Shining" follows Jack Torrance's son, Dan, who is haunted by his past in more ways than one. A recovering alcoholic, he struggles both with his gift, "the shining," and the events at the Outlook Hotel. He finds himself drawn to a charismatic and precocious girl, Abra, who has the gift as well. Dan must help Abra survive a secret society, the True Knot, which preys upon gifted children like her.

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