Bennie Moten - Victor Recordings Vol.2



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Number of Discs
Release Date
Bennie Moten
CD / Album
Label / Studio
Frog UK

24 tracks performed by Moten's Kansas City Orchestra from 1928-29 in 5 separate sessions, recorded in Chicago & Camden, N.J.

We are Rated Excellent on Trustpilot
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1) Justrite
2) Slow Motion
3) Tough Breaks
4) It's Hard to Laugh or Smile
5) Sad Man Blues
6) Kansas City Breakdown
7) Trouble in Mind
8) Trouble in Mind
9) Hot Water Blues
10) Get Low-Down Blues
11) She's No Trouble (Sweetheart)
12) South
13) Terrific Stomp
14) Let's Get It
15) Kansas City Squabble
16) Rite Tite
17) Moten's Blues
18) That's What I'm Talking About
19) That Certain Motion
20) It Won't Be Long
21) When Life Seems So Blue
22) Loose Like a Goose
23) Just Say It's Me
24) Now Goofy Dust Rag

Victor Recordings Vol.2
Main Format
Keyword Index
Victor Recordings Vol.2 | Bennie Moten

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